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Writer's pictureMike Nkouetcha

Proceedings of the doctoral seminar of 30 November 2022

On Wednesday 30 November 2022 at the B campus of the Gulf of Guinea University Institute (GUI) held the first doctoral seminar of the 2022/23 academic year.

In addition to the members of the ERSEE research team, the seminar was attended by the President of the GUI and his administrative team as well as lecturers, PhD students and Master 2 students enrolled in the LTAS (Laboratory of Technologies and Applied Sciences, UIT, University of Douala), the LFP (Laboratory of Fundamental Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Douala) and the LCAE (Laboratory of Computer and Automatic Engineering, ENSET, University of Douala). The seminar started at 10am Douala time.

Professor MOUKENGUE IMANO Adolphe, Head of ERSEE, first thanked Mr DJAMBOU Steve Cédric, President of the IUG, for having allowed the holding within his University Institute. He then introduced the various members of the research team and the home laboratories. He recalled the organization within the research team and the different working methods and also presented the different lines of research, while stressing the industrial development of the castor plant. Finally, he said he was ready to accompany the GUI in setting up a research component at the GUI.

Mr DJAMBOU Steve Cédric, President of the GUI, congratulated Professor MOUKENGUE IMANO Adolphe for setting up such an initiative. He also took the opportunity to make the professors-researchers of his University Institution aware of the importance of research activities and to encourage them to participate in the research seminar. Finally, he announced that a partnership between ERSEE and GUI will be established for the creation of research laboratories at GUI.

Dr MENGATA MENGOUNOU Ghislain spoke to the seminarians on the main lines of research studied at ERSEE:

- Prototyping new high voltage insulation liquids

- Stability and optimisation of bioinsulation performance

- The stability of natural paper/ester insulation complexes

- Instrumentation and study of prebreakdown phenomena

- Prototyping of dielectric bio-based varnishes

He pointed out that the first 4 axes have been the subject of several scientific publications in many national and international newspapers with reading committee and present in national and international conferences and symposia. In addition, ERSEE doctoral thesis subjects are integrated into these research projects. According to Dr MENGATA, this work is an undeniable support for development..

Dr TCHAMDJIO NKOUETCHA Emeric was interested in the last axis presented by his predecessor. He presented a synthetic review on the classification and production of dielectric varnishes.

The two PhD/PhD candidates, Messrs OMBICK BOYEKONG Gerard and ASSE Jean Bernard, introduced the audience to their thesis.

First, Mr OMBICK presented his research on the impact of ageing on the natural ester/paper complex.

Mr ASSE presented on his thesis work on the impact of nanoparticles on the performance of a natural ester-based dielectric and on the development and characterization of nano-bioinsulators.

Both candidates will support their thesis in the near future.

The session then continued with the presentation of the evolution of the research work of the students admitted in the third year of PhD, in this case, Mrs BABEU TCHOUNGA Brice Bediane and Mr FONKOU Bylli, which work respectively on the behavioural study of natural esters in a prototype power transformer and the monitoring of pre-clacing phenomena in a prototype power transformer.

Students enrolled in D2 also presented their progress after three months of research.

Mr FOTSING Ulrich presented an evolution in his study and contributions to the development of a sensor for measuring the radiation of the electric field on insulations of high voltage lines.

Mrs SIGNE TADA Jovalie has developed objective functions for the optimization of diesel consumption by hybridization with solar panels for antennas in isolated tropical regions.

Mr KAMHOUA Achille presented a model under the Comsol Multiphysics software to study and analyze the evolution of thermo-physical properties, including temperature, Methyl esters of vegetable oils within power transformers in operation.

Mr JIOSSEU Jean Lambert gave a summary of the various articles published and under review. His project focuses on the study of prelacquering and breakdown in natural esters: generation and propagation of impulse energized streamers in insulating oils based on palm and castor oil.

Mr TCHEUTCHOU Arnol concluded the presentation of the progress of the research work. Its objective is to develop a predictive method of the state of the natural ester/paper insulation system used in power transformers.

While congratulating all the participants in the seminar, Professor MOUKENGUE IMANO Adolphe, in his closing remarks, invited all doctoral students to more self-discipline and motivation.

The doctoral seminar ended with a closing dinner offered by the President of the GUI.

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